+ We provide the industry standard control panel for shared hosting which is cPanel. Many posts on 1Byte’s Blog are also on the use of…
+ If customers want to upgrade a cloud hosting package, they should go dashboard, find the cloud server button, and select the upgrade button. Finally,…
+ 1Byte has the following features to support webtool for cloud hosting: – aapanel – Upgrade – Extend – Reset
+ The customer access information of cloud hosting will be sent to the customer’s registration email address after they purchased a cloud hosting package from…
+ Customers should choose a cloud hosting package over a shared hosting package when they care about security reasons, required complicated and powerful Web hosting…
+ Yes, Cloud hosting supports auto backup and can be configured within aaPanel
+ A customer can try our web hosting and cloud server for free for 30 days by following the instruction: – Register with 1Byte and…
+ Yes, you can create Email when you buy cloud hosting.
+ You need to install App from App store name Mail server and Redis first than to configure follow by this link
+ There are several database-related features, but here are a few highlights: + Create, remove, modify database and grant database access permissions to users. +…