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18. Will my data be lost if I upgrade my server?

Jul 11,2022 by admin

+ Customer Data will not be lost if they upgrade their server.

17. Does we have API to manage the VM?

Jul 11,2022 by admin

+ 1Byte has not yet developed API use for Cloud Services. We just used the API feature for SMS Brandname. However, 1Byte has the new…

16. Can you also tell me about Uptime and response time?

Jul 11,2022 by admin

+ Cloud Server and Cloud Hosting have an uptime of 99.99%, whilst Shared Hosting has an uptime of 99.5%. The only distinction between two numbers…

15. Why does the 2 years plan is far more expensive than the 1 year plan?

Jul 11,2022 by admin

+ This is due to the fact that 1Byte only gives the greatest pricing for the first year. + However, I will show you a…

14. What is my VPS root password? I don’t get the password from everywhere? How can I get into my VPS?

Jul 11,2022 by admin

+ To safeguard your safety and security, when you register an account on 1Byte, 1Byte will send your credentials of Web Hosting and Cloud Server…

13. Can the 10-dollar deposit be returned to the bank card after the end?

Jul 11,2022 by admin

+ No sir/madam, the deposit will stay on your 1Byte wallet and can be used to pay for 1Byte’s service.

12. Do you have test IP or looking GLASS?

Jul 11,2022 by admin

+ Test IP:

11. I am wondering whether your Cloud Server have ipv6 support or not?

Jul 11,2022 by admin

+ At this moment, we only provide one public ipv4 for each other cloud server/hosting. We will be implementing ipv6 in the near future, stay…

10. How to upload website project to 1Byte’s hosting?

Jul 11,2022 by admin

+ Hi sir/madam, 1Byte’s blog provides step-by-step instructions for uploading your website from localhost to Cloud Hosting or Shared Hosting (goes live). Please see these…

9. How to create website?

Jul 11,2022 by admin

+ 1Byte’s blog has several tutorials on how to build a website from scratch without knowing how to code. I’ll send you some examples of…