How to Keep Your Email Out of the Spam Folder on Cpanel (Roundcube Webmail)

How to Keep Your Email Out of the Spam Folder?

Before, you may have had problems using email on Cpanel shared hosting to send emails, and the recipients may have received your emails in the spam folder. Now we will teach you how to avoid this problem, and your email recipients will have to feel confident that receiving your email is safe.

how to keep your email out of the spam folder


  • You need to register an account with SendGrid with the plan you need. 
  • Shared hosting and domain name with any package if you don’t have please go to buy one on 1Byte

6 Steps to Keep Your Email Out of the Spam Folder

Step 1. Set up Domain Authentication

Sign in to SendGrid. We already have registered the account at this point. Please register your account first if you haven’t yet.

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Go to settings and click Sender Authentication then click “Get Started”

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

On the question 1 DNS host please select “Other Host (Not Listed)” and on Which “DNS Host” put 1Byte’s nameserver  or

On the second question choose “No” and then click Next

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Input your domain name and click “Next

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

So in this step, SendGrid will need you to add all of the records to’s DNS section. So hold on to this step and go to step 2 to add the record before you click Verify

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Step 2. Switch Nameserver to 1Byte’s Nameserver

Log in to 1byte account and go to the domain then click “Manage”

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Change to “1Byte DNS” and Click “Save”


Step 3. Add CNAME Record for Cpanel

Go to Shared Hosting and click Manage

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Go to Zone Editor

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Click on the “Manage button” on the domain that you are already setting up on step 1 

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Click Add Record and Copy Host and value record from step 1 and set the type of record to CNAME then click the “Save” button

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

After adding 3 records, your record will look like the image below

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Step 4. Go back to verify the domain name on SendGride

After you have done adding your DNS record please go back to step 1 then  tick on “I’ve added these records” and click “Verify

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

So if you get the message “It worked” it means you are successfully verified and can create an email to send

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

So let’s go to create an email and send a test

Step 5. Create an email to send a test

Go to Cpanel again go to the Email section  click “Email Account”

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Click on the “Create button”

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Choose your domain name and input your email username and password  then click the “Create” button

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Step 6. Send Test Email

After you create an email now go to send email test by clicking on the “Check Email” button

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Open RoundCube webmail to send a test email

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

You can try to send your email to other email domains like Gmail

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Step 7. Checking the result

Go to the email that you send to

how to keep your email out of the spam folder

Congratulation your email not going to the spam folder anymore.