Do I Need A Website When I Already Have A Facebook Page?

Small company owners can’t do without social media. For example, Facebook has become an essential component of every company’s online presence. We can’t ignore Facebook’s allure, can we, with 2.89 billion monthly active users? You may interact with your target audience and learn more about them with strong analytics nearly immediately in addition to providing the most recent information about your company. Facebook Pages also have helpful marketing capabilities and, most importantly, they’re free! Except if you’re willing to spend money on advertising.

Do I Need A Website When I Already Have A Facebook Page?
The potential traffic that Facebook can provide is undeniable, and who among us would turn it down? However, there are a few caveats.
The following 5 reasons will help you realize why Facebook can’t substitute having a website for your company, particularly if you’re just getting started.
1. Branding: stand out in the correct manner
There’s a lot of competition on Facebook. More than 200 million small companies use Facebook to find new clients, according to the most recent quarterly data from the social media giant.
Let’s be honest: You’ll have to put in a lot of effort to stand out. When you’re forced to use the same color schemes as everyone else, it’s really discouraging.
As the internet environment was disrupted, many small company owners suffered. Not only does having your own site make you less exposed in instances like these, but it also allows you to define the rules.
2. Set the rules
A short reminder: Facebook is not your site, but a third-party intermediary between you and your consumers.
Regardless of how many bells and whistles you receive, you’re still a visitor at the end of the day. If your internet marketing approach relies only on social media, things may become a little problematic.
Remember the recent major Facebook outage? According to this study, Facebook lost almost half a million dollars in ad income every hour while it was out for 6 hours.
3. Maximize the exposure of your brand
If all of your marketing efforts are conducted via Facebook, you may be losing out on a significant portion of the market.
If you believe it or not. There are some people who aren’t on Facebook. People worldwide are shunning Facebook due to worries about privacy, and this generation may be the last to do so. In other words, you run the risk of alienating your brand’s target audience by being in places where the major players are not.
You have total control over how your website appears in search results when you use a website. If you don’t know how to optimize your website for search engines, it’s difficult for people to find your company via social media.
4. Analytics
Data analytics is critical for optimizing performance and understanding what your audience prefers. It’s the most effective technique to plan ahead of time what sort of material to publish.
Let’s be honest: if you want to maximize your influence, you’re not going to go very far using Facebook Analytics. Don’t get me wrong: the tool provides sufficient information to track and monitor lead-generating outcomes.
5. Credibility
If you want your brand to be seen as reliable. You must have a website. Period.
Anyone can create a social media page, but having your own website demonstrates that you are serious about your company. Furthermore, most shoppers still prefer to purchase things directly from E-commerce sites. Having your own website will aid in the development of trust among your clients.
Also, bear in mind that the epidemic caused an extraordinary change in internet purchasing habits. And, as eCommerce continues to grow rapidly in Asia, more consumers will expect companies to have a website.
Furthermore, having your own website helps you to establish a respectable company email address. Which, in my opinion, is the icing on the cake, bringing that extra layer of consumer trust.
If you read this far, you are ready to grow beyond Facebook. And there’s no better time than now to start. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not suggesting that you deactivate your Facebook page.
Facebook is a powerful tool that should be used in your social media marketing approach. You may immediately communicate with and learn from your target audience. But what I’m trying to convey is that if you rely only on one platform, your brand will be constrained.
Having a website allows you to customize it to fit your branding while also increasing your chances of being noticed. For example, rather than being buried in search results with social network accounts, a website gives significant SEO options to increase your organic position.