Once the SSL certificate is validated and issued, you can retrieve it from your mailbox or download it from your 1Byte account.
How to Install SSL Certificate on Citrix NetScaler VPX
ជំហានទី 1
To install the SSL certificate on Citrix NetScaler VPX, log in to your console, select Configuration, expand the Traffic Management left-side menu, and click on SSL.

ជំហានទី 2
ក្នុង ឧបករណ៍ ផ្នែក, ចុច Manage Certificates / Keys / CSRs/. In the appeared window, click Upload to import the issued certificate (the .crt file) and the certificate chain or CA Bundle (the .ca-bundle file). The bundle file was emailed to you along with the end-entity certificate, however, you can also download it នៅទីនេះ.

ជំហានទី 3
After this, get back to the homepage of the console, select the ការកំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ ផ្ទាំង, ពង្រីក ការគ្រប់គ្រងចរាចរណ៍ tree menu, click on + next to the SSL section and choose វិញ្ញាបនប័ត្រ.

ជំហានទី 4
At this point, it is necessary to click Install and fill in the form:
- Certificate-Key Pair Name – make up a name for your SSL certificate in order to differentiate it from other certificate files stored on the server.
- Certificate File Name – click Browse and choose the .crt file you just uploaded.
- Key File Name – click Browse and choose the Private Key that was generated along with the CSR code (the .key file).
- Certificate Format – select PEM since this format is supported by NetScaler VPX.
- ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ – leave this field blank if no passphrase was assigned to the Private Key during its generation.
ចំពោះ Certificate Bundle checkbox should not be checked as the bundle should be installed separately.
ចំពោះ Notify When Expires box can be checked if you wish to receive a reminder to renew your SSL certificate. In addition, you can specify the number of days in the Notification Period field. Thus, if you enter 30, you will be reminded to renew your SSL certificate 30 days prior to its expiration date.
After all the necessary fields are filled in, click ដំឡើង.

Now, your SSL certificate is installed. However, it is still necessary to install the CA Bundle in order for the certificate to be trusted by browsers.
ជំហានទី 5
ត្រឡប់ទៅ វិញ្ញាបនប័ត្រ ផ្នែកនៃ SSL ដែលបាន left-side menu and click ដំឡើង.

In case with the CA Bundle, it is only necessary to fill in two fields:
- Certificate-Key Pair Name – make up a name for your intermediate (CA Bundle) certificate.
- Certificate File Name – click Browse and select the .ca-bundle file you uploaded along with the end-entity certificate (the .crt file) before.
Once the fields are filled in, click ដំឡើង.
ចំណាំ: If you receive the following error message: Resource already exists {certkeyName Contents, Intermediate], it means that the CA Bundle is already installed on the server. You can disregard this alert and proceed with SSL configuration.

After the intermediate certificate is installed, you can find it in the certificate list of the វិញ្ញាបនប័ត្រ ផ្នែកនៃ SSL ដែលបាន tree menu.
At this point, it is required to link the end-entity certificate and the CA Bundle. Select the end-entity certificate in the certificate list, click on សកម្មភាព និងជ្រើសរើស តំណភ្ជាប់ ពីម៉ឺនុយទម្លាក់ចុះ។
នៅលើ Link Server Certificates page, locate the name of the CA Bundle file in the CA Certificate Name ផ្នែកនិងចុច OK to connect the end entity certificate to the CA Bundle.

ជំហានទី 6
Now, your SSL certificate is prepared to be linked with the Virtual Host for successful configuration. By binding the certificate to the Virtual Host, the SSL is assigned to a certain port and website on the server.
ពង្រីក NetScaler Gateway left-side menu and click on ម៉ាស៊ីននិម្មិត. On the next page, choose your website from the list of servers and click Edit.

Now, it is necessary to click on វិញ្ញាបនប័ត្រម៉ាស៊ីនមេ to configure binding for the uploaded SSL.

In the pop-up page, click Add Binding.
ចំណាំ: It is possible that an old certificate is already bound to the virtual server. In this case, you will receive a confirmation to unbind the previous SSL. Click Yes and proceed with configuration.
នៅលើ Add Binding section, it is necessary to click on the Select Server Certificate field and select the newly installed SSL. After this, click ចង to finalize SSL configuration on Citrix NetScaler VPX.

Now the SSL certificate should work properly and your website can be accessed via secure HTTPS protocol. You can always check the correctness of SSL installation using SSL checker tool.
You might also wish to force a secure connection so that your website is automatically accessed via HTTPS. You can find guidelines on the HTTP>HTTPS redirection នៅទីនេះ.
If you are experiencing any difficulties throughout the process, please contact our Live Chat Support.